All-in-One Door 3

Michael Loistl / /


This version includes various bug fixes and updates the door family to be fully compatible with Revit 2022.

Door tag placement

We've fixed an issue where the tag would be position wrongly when flipping the family.

Category of middle rail

We've changed the middle rail category to be the same than the panel.

Swing Panel

We've fixed an issue where the swing panel was positioned wrong for the double door when parameter Swing Panel Opening % = 100 and parameter Width Swing = 800mm.

Symbol line position

We've fixed an issue where the symbol line of the fix panel showed wrong for double doors.
This issue happened in the following scenarious:

  1. In Corner Frame family when parameter Fix Panel Opening % = 100.
  2. In AIO Door family and Closure Frame family when parameter Double Panel Visibility = Yes and parameter Symbol Line Opening Angle Right % < 100.